Both variables "Date and Time" and "Timestamp" are used to load timestamped data to Adobe Analytics. You can use only one of them in the template.
- Date and Time — allows to set date or date with time in the report suite time zone. Enter the value as a date.
Examples: 01/01/2019, 01/01/2019 14:00:00
- Timestamp — choose this variable if you want to set date and time either in the Unix timestamp format or ISO-8601 standard.
Examples: 1571498276, 2019-01-29T05:21:29-0700
Data SourcesThe data loaded as a data source should always begin with the
Date column. The date should be set in the report suite time zone. Enter the value as a date.
Examples: 01/01/2019, 01/01/2019 14:00:00