User parameters can be set in JavaScript (onsite code) or/and onboarded with a mapping to ClientID or UserID.
User parameters are applied to a user. The same parameter passed in with a new value will overwrite the previous value.
Session parameters are applied to the hit the are sent with. Although, the Metrica UI supports the segmentation (filtering) only on a session level.
The purpose of UserID is to onboard offline data with a mapping to your internal customer ID (e.g. CRM ID).
The only way to set a UserID is to pass it with the setUserID method
Yandex Metrica does not support profiles merging. If a single UserID is set to several ClientIDs, those will still be reported as two Users .
If more than one UserIDs have been set for the same ClientID, the last one takes precedence by overwriting the previous one.
While one UserID may be linked to multiple ClientIDs, one ClientID can't be linked to multiple UserIDs.
Users (visitors) are identified with the Yandex Metrica ClientID that is stored in both cookies and localStorage. If the same person uses two browsers (or devices), each is identified with its own ClientID.
Users (visitors) are identified with the Yandex Metrica ClientID that is stored in both cookies and localStorage. If the same person uses two browsers (or devices), each is identified with its own ClientID.
ClientID is shared across subdomains of the parent top level domain for a single tag (,, are sharing the ClientID if the same tag is utilised across them).
Offline conversions onboarded with a mapping by UserID will be applied only to the last ClientID the corresponding UserID was set to.
If more than one offline conversions are onboarded through manual data upload with the same UserID and the same timestamp, only the last one will be processed and applied.
Add the query string parameter _ym_debug=1 to the page URL to enable the tag event logging in browser console. The debug mode continues to work within a browser session.
Website URLs with "www." are reported without this prefix ( will appear as
The offline data processing time depends not only on the data volume, but on the data type too. Manually uploaded user parameters may take affect relatively quickly (in minutes). However, manually uploaded offline conversions usually takes at least a day to get seen in reports.
JavaScript SDK is available on three CDNs on your choice:,,
Logs API allows to export raw data only for the past days. It's recommended to query data for the previous day not earlier than at 3 a.m. of the current day to let the data get fully processed before you pull it. However, if you are leveraging a native integration with Yandex ad network, then the corresponding data may continue to arrive for days.
Some values get automatically transformed before getting stored in Logs (raw data). Ecommerce data related to any price value is stored multiplied by 1'000'000 (1 is stored as a million). Goal revenue is stored multiplied by 1'000. Currency code is stored as currency name (e.g. Euro instead of EUR).
Some unexpected limitation of Logs. The last part of the IP address is masked with "xxx" in Logs regardless of the tag settings. The user-agent header (value) is not stored.
Yandex reserves the rights to use the data stored in any Yandex Metrica tag. Read terms of use for more detail.