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10 ways for Adobe Analytics Segments Creation

Get to know how to create Adobe Analytics segments in 10 different ways in this online training on Analysis Workspace and Segment Builder.
1. + New menu / Create segment
2. Components menu / Create segment
3. Shortcut Shift+Cmd+E on Mac / Shift+Ctrl+E on Windows
4. Select line items in the table, right click and choose Create segment from selection
5. Click + under the panel title
6. Drag a dimension item to the Drag a segment here (under the panel title)
7. Drag a dimension to the Drag a segment here (under the panel title)
8. Open an existing segment in Segment Builder, apply changes, rename and click Save as
9. Segments / Add button
10. Segments / check an existing segment and click Copy

Adobe Analytics and Launch
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Learn to create reports, dashboards and
analyze data in Analysis Workspace

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Learn to manage, implement and debug tags
with Adobe Experience Platform Launch

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Learn to correctly setup eVars, props, events, processing rules, classifications and other settings

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Adobe Experience Cloud Bookmarks
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